
Determination of Specific Surface Area and Surface Energy analysis using iGC

Tue 28 July 2020
1 hours incl. Q&A

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The webinar presented the theory and calculation process of the BET Specific Surface Area (SSA) and Surface Energy (SE) analysis using inverse Gas Chromatography (iGC) and the comparison with other techniques.

Inverse Gas Chromatography can be used to measure both infinite and finite dilution experiments depending on the requirement of the application.

BET SSA analysis is a finite dilution experiment requiring saturation to monolayer coverage of the surface with the vapor phase probe molecules and where solute-solute interactions can occur. Conversely, surface energy analysis requires infinite dilution where only solute-solid material interaction occurs.

Anett resized

Dr. Anett Kondor
iGC Product Manager
Surface Measurement Systems


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