Water Activity(Aw) Measurements Using a Payne Cell with a Flux-Calibrated Membrane and DVS

Hydrate Formation and Loss on the Hybrid Perovskite Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide (MAPI)

Environmental Assessment of Formaldehyde Sorption by Dynamic Vapour Sorption Technique

Impact of Relative Humidity on the Adsorption of Volatile Organic Compounds by Porous Materials – Two Component Sorption Study

An overview of the Speed of Sound sensor; theory and application

The Characterisation of Pharmaceutical Materials by Dynamic Vapour Sorption

Moisture Sorption Properties of Food Products and Packaging Materials Studied by DVS

Organic Solvent Sorption using a Dynamic Vapour Sorption Instrument-an Overview

Vapour Sorption Properties of Building Materials using Gravimetric Sorption Instrumentation – an Overview

Shelf life Assessment of Meat Products by Dynamic Vapour Sorption


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