Surface Measurement Systems and the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz collaberated on this special online event, featuring three in-depth presentations exploring the latest research, case studies, and findings in pharmaceuticals. This workshop offers unparalleled insight into the use of sorption science techniques in pharmaceutical formula development.


DVS analysis of different citric acid excipients for pharmaceutical formulation of effervescent tablets
with Moritz Rosch, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie

Evaluation of Moisture Protection in Solid Dosage Forms
with Johannes Blechar, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

The Effect of Temperature and Moisture on Sorption properties of Microcrystalline Cellulose
with Meishan Guo, Surface Measurement Systems

En este webinar, la estudiante de postgrado (PhD) Paola Saenz en su ultimo año en el Imperial college, nos da una breve charla acerca de los métodos experimentales mas comunes para la captura de CO² en presencia de vapor de agua. En particular, dos metodos experimentales seran descritos: La adsorcion dinamica de vapor y las curvas de ruptura.

When considering any material for use in construction, knowing how it reacts to moisture is essential to architectural integrity and safety. Dynamic Vapor Sorption, the innovative sorption analysis technique pioneered by Surface Measurement Systems, provides unparalleled insight and accuracy into how various building materials react to moisture under varying conditions.

This free-to-attend webinar explores how the DVS method is employed in the physico-chemical characterization of wood and other building materials, and the insights it provides into how they react to moisture.

This webinar is based on a recent study by Elwin Hunter-Sellars et al. and focuses on the removal of volatile organic compounds by porous inorganic solids. A range of pore size distributions and chemistries were assessed at room temperature and relative humidity (RH) values from 0 to 70% to reflect real-world conditions similar to those of indoor air.

Dry removal performance appeared to be dependent on the surface area of adsorbents and, for polar compounds, the relative hydrophobicity of the material. Performance of sorbents with hydrophilic surface chemistry, such as silica gel and molecular sieve 13X, decreased drastically with small increases in pre-exposed humidity. Activated charcoal and high-silica faujasite Y retained their capacities for toluene in relative humidities up to 50% and 70% respectively, which highlights their selectivity for non-polar species due to hydrophobic pore structure and low water vapor uptake.

Moisture content and sorption properties of pharmaceutical ingredients are essential components in the research, development, and eventual manufacture of any new pharma product. Using advanced vapor sorption techniques, researchers can achieve unparalleled detail and accuracy in this area, and gain valuable insights into their ingredients. It’s no wonder the world’s top 20 pharmaceutical companies employ the DVS method.

When Food & its ingredients are capable of absorbing up to 50% by mass of moisture from the air, knowing the sorption properties of your food product is essential to the R&D process. In this, Dynamic Vapor Sorption provides an unparalleled level of insight. Invented by Surface Measurement Systems’ Founder, Dr. Daryl Williams, the DVS technique enables researchers incredible levels of detail and accuracy in the physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials.

This educational webinar explores the use of surface energy measurements as related to granulation performance.

In particular, this session focuses on the well-established vapor sorption technique of Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC).  This session discusses several case studies on how surface energy measurements can be used to help formulate and characterize both wet and dry systems.  In addition to granulation case studies, other unit common powder operations, such as milling, will be presented and related to surface properties.

The research on fuel cells as alternative power generators is growing significantly. The humidity of the feed stream is vital to the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Also, the surface energies of fuel cell components are related to electro-osmotic drag, back diffusion of water, and water retention.

The surface energies of different fuel cell components have been measured via Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC SEA) over a range of relative humidities. Therefore, characterizing thermodynamic properties of wetting, such as internal surface energy, over a range of RHs is vital to the successful development of PEMFC components. Additionally, Water content and flux are important properties for proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. The water sorption isotherms have been determined using Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS).

This workshop includes two in-depth presentations discussing the latest research in DVS technology and its applications in fuel cell research.

This in-depth online workshop explores innovative sorption techniques, technology, and applications for the study of porous materials.

Employing recent research and case studies, attendees gained a keen understanding of the groundbreaking DVS technique, and the unparalleled detail and accuracy it grants in the study of porous materials, VOCs and MOFs.


-Ionic liquids and ionogels for water sorption in low-grade heat-driven applications with Dr. Giulio Santori, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh

-Impact of relative humidity on hydrophobicity and selectivity of porous adsorbents for VOC capture with Elwin Hunters Sellars, PhD Student, Imperial College London

-Novel Porous Materials for Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage: Studies Under Relevant Industrial Conditions with Paola Saenz Cavazos, PhD Student, Imperial College London

Surface Measurement Systems and the University of British Columbia collaborated to provide three in-depth presentations exploring the latest research, case studies, and findings. This workshop offers unparalleled insight into the use of sorption science techniques in the field of cellulosic materials and characterization.


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